Museum Forum opens call for Applications for the 2013 European Museum
of the Year Award and the Council of Europe Museum Prize.
EMYA goes to a museum which contributes most directly to attracting
audiences and satisfying its visitors with unique atmosphere,
imaginative interpretation and presentation, a creative approach to
education and social responsibility.
EMYA Judging Panel is looking for enterprise and innovation that
enhances the public quality of the museum. The judges seek to identify
new developments which are likely to have a significant influence in the
national and international museum field.
The EMYA 2013 Application Form should be submitted no later than 31 May 2012.
European Museum Forum apre il bando per il premio European Museum of the Year Award – EMYA 2013.
Il premio EMYA andrà al museo che avrà ottenuto un maggior riscontro tra i visitatori sia per l'originalità, la bellezza e la comprensibilità delle proprie collezioni, sia per la responsabilità educativa e sociale dimostrata.
La scadenza è il 31 maggio 2012. Questi i documenti da scaricare per partecipare alla selezione: